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Terms of Use

Terms of Use


The text, audio, photographs, graphics, descriptions, and material provided on the website that is mentioned, displayed, or portrayed for ppx-TEC are collectively referred to as the "Content". The exceptions are on the FAQ page, video #1 Patient needs their health data; video #2 What is Health Information Technology? The ppx-TEC Content is owned by Patient Provider Exchange, LLC and is protected by copyright laws. You may not use the Content presented on this website for any purpose other than the intended purpose of information and downloading of the IOS App through Apple's iTunes and Android app from Google Play. A patient security PIN is required to open and access a mobile application.


Any reproduction, display, or distribution of the Content must be pursuant to a separate written agreement. Nothing contained on this website will be construed as granting, by implication or otherwise, any right to use, reproduce, modify, transmit, display, publish, sell, create derivate works, publicly perform, or distribute by any means, method, or process whatsoever, now known of, hereafter developed, any of the Content on or transmitted through the website.


Patent pending, all trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, and graphics ('Marks') used on this site are registered. Your usage of any of these ('Marks') or proprietary intellectual property associated with ppx-TECis illegal and will be aggressively challenged in a legal manner.


If you have any questions about the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy statements or the practices of this website, please contact

Privacy Policy

We have updated our terms and conditions to include an additional point regarding the deletion of user health metrics from our app upon their request. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. pdx-TEC, LLC dba as ppx-TEC, LLC app, API does not collect, possess, have access to, nor share or disseminate users' personal health information. Users of ppx-TEC app possess and have sole access to their health data placed on the ppx-TEC app. ppx-TEC app complies with all federal, and state laws and HIPAA compliance regarding users' right to privacy.  A patient security PIN FaceID and or Fingerprint is required to open and access a mobile application. Users also can delete their health connect data within the app, further enhancing their control over their personal information.

Legal Disclaimer


Use of this website is at your own risk. Patient Provider Exchange, LLC dba ppx-TEC app, API iOS, and Android personal medical management app makes no warranties, or representations to content and assume no liability, or responsibility for any error or omissions therein, with regards to use otherwise intended. This website is informational for commercial use only and does not provide medical advice.

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